Private Equity

Private market managers make up a majority of our engagements.  KPG Capital Partners considers investment managers in the private markets arena who are looking to build and expand their current investor base. We advise managers on all aspect of their marketing strategy in order to properly approach investors. We challenge them to establish the most suitable and competitive structure, fee options,...

Real Estate

KPG Capital Partners is a placement agent selected by real estate investment managers and operators of diverse disciplines. We seek to introduce our clients to sources of capital based on their specific criteria. Our expertise and experience with a wide range of real estate strategies enables our clients to execute their particular capital raising mandates. The scope of these mandates varies greatly...

Hedge Funds

Since inception, our firm has worked with a wide range of hedge fund managers across asset classes including global macro, equities, emerging markets, fixed income, commodities and currencies. Discussing capacity constraints, liquidity concerns, as well as structural issues helps to streamline the investor engagement process. Several of our team members have extensive trading and risk management backgrounds,...